The Wayfinder Podcast
Yellow Edge, in association with the Winston Churchill Trust, proudly presents the Wayfinder podcast.
In this series, we ask high-performing individuals how they plotted the path to success. Our guests are all Churchill Fellows, having been provided the opportunity by the Churchill Trust to research in their chosen field internationally.
The Wayfinder explores the often winding paths of how these Fellows came to their professions and catalogs the trials and tribulations faced along the way.

E06 - Donna Purcell & the Inclusive Workplace Revolution
In this episode, Scarlet and Andrew Simon speak with Churchill Fellow, Donna Purcell who’s journey is a testament to the power of inclusion and the potential for change in the employment landscape for people with disabilities.
While representing the Australian Network on Disability at a global forum in Geneva, she embarked on a mission to gather the world's best practices for fostering workplace diversity. From visiting Microsoft in Seattle to exploring initiatives in New York, London, France, and Switzerland, Purcell discovered innovative strategies that champion inclusivity. Her key insights revolve around strong leadership, inclusive policies, and the critical role of tracking progress to drive meaningful change.

E06 - Tim McLennan & Transformative World of Assistive Technologies
In this episode, Scarlet speaks with Tim McLennan, a Churchill Fellow and clinical rehabilitation engineer based at Fiona Stanley Hospital in Perth, Western Australia. Tim's journey into the world of assistive technology was profoundly influenced by a life-altering experience. Tim's story is one of personal transformation and a deep commitment to making a difference in the lives of those who have faced adversity. He specialises in innovative assistive technology, a field that aims to enhance the independence and quality of life for individuals with disabilities.

E05 - Kon Karapanagiotidis & 30,000 Welcomes
In this episode, Scarlet speaks with Kon Karapanagiotidis, a Churchill Fellow, CEO and Founder of the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC). Established in 2001, the ASRC stands as a testament to his visionary aspiration to ‘create a place of home and welcome where no one was turned away.’

E04 - Carly Davenport Acker & the Power of the Living Collection
In this episode Scarlet speaks with Churchill Fellow Carly Davenport Acker who works as a cultural intermediary to safeguard and facilitate access of art, stories and knowledge of Indigenous creators and elders. Carly has an extensive background working with not-for-profit education and commercial sectors to engage with Indigenous individuals, communities, and organisations around the world.

E03 - Alpha Cheng & Changing the Headline
In this episode Scarlet speaks with Churchill Fellow Alpha Cheng about how he found his voice for advocacy after the sudden and violent loss of his father. Alpha’s father Curtis Cheng was killed in a terrorist attack in 2015. Alpha shares with us how he chooses to messages of hope over hate, full in the knowledge that his, and stories like his, have the power to change communities and policies.

E02 - Peter Cursley & the Little Heartbeats
In this episode Scarlet has a conversation with Churchill Fellow Peter Cursley about his work in creating the Newborn Intensive Care Foundation, which so far has raised over $4 million for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Canberra Hospital.

E01 - Julie Morrison & Her Dog's Days in Court
Meet Julie Morrison who, alongside dogs Lucy and Kiki support victims of crimes in Victoria through the Office of Public Prosecutions.
Scarlet Bennett
Scarlet Bennett is a Yellow Edge facilitator and coach who has spent two decades helping individuals and organisations to solve problems, change and thrive.
An occupational psychology specialist, she works from a positive psychology, strengths-based perspective to help individuals respond well to challenges, overcome obstacles, and thrive in the careers of their choice. Scarlet’s psychology background gives a depth of knowledge that allows her to coach people successfully through even the most complex situations.